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What is a chapter meeting?     

HOG members gather for fellowship, to trade ideas, and discuss upcoming events and happenings with the club.  Check the Events Calendar to find the upcoming chapter meeting.  If you are new to the chapter, this is a great place to start.  Take a look at the Officers page so you can recognize us, find any one of us and say, "Hey, I'm new here" so we can introduce you around.



What is a group ride?     

A group ride with the Memphis HOG chapter means we all meet at a designated place at a certain time.  A "kick stands up" time along with all the details is posted on the Events Calendar.  We leave promptly at that time.   Come early and find a group to ride with...again if you are new, find an officer or anyone and just say "Hi, my name is ____and this is my first ride with the group, can you show me the ropes".  We are friendlier than we look :-)  The Road Captains will not necessarily assign you to a group but rather they select experienced road captains to form the lead and sweep for each group and then motion for others to join the group.  Once a group is full, they follow the leader and head out on the assigned route.  


Each bike makes their own way home.  You may find another biker or group that is heading in your same direction and ask to join or you may decide to cut out on your own and explore the destination area.




When group riding, do you plan stops together?     

If there is one sure thing on a group ride, it is plenty of comfort and fuel stops.  Everyone sticks with their group and stops together.  Some stops have been designed into the route with the intention that the stop has adequate parking and facilities.  Every single stop may not be inspected but they try.  If you need to stop for any reason then give someone a signal and they will let the road captains know.  If you have a radio device then give a "need to stop" shout out and the road captains will find the next stop.  



Do I need to have a navigational device?     

Online navigation is up to you but not necessary.  If you are new to riding then it could be a distraction.   Don't worry about getting to the destination, just follow the leader.  If they need to go through a light that changes, don't panic, they should be waiting for you at a safe, slow pace up ahead.




Will I learn better riding skills?     

That can be up to you.  There are certainly lots of amazingly experienced riders in the group and lots of riding conditions.  Many of the club riders have strengths in different areas.  If you admire someone's riding style in a particular situation, whether it be in the mountain twisties, or durng slow ride competitions or experienced rider events etc., then let them know and ask them to share how you might improve your skills.  Certainly most would be honored and are happy to share ways they learned to strengthen skills in areas where you may not have had as much experience.





What is group riding etiquette?     

There are certain safety rules as published by the Motorcycle safety foundation that must be followed when riding with the Memphis HOG group in order to provide the safest ride possible.   Check the Safety page on this website for links to good references.  You may also check the Officers page, and use the Contact link to reach out to the Road Captains and let them know you are interested in riding with the group and want to be sure you are aware of all the rules.  They will make sure you have all the info you need to feel comfortable riding in one of our group rides.  





How do I get in a group?     

If you are fairly new to the club and may not know a lot of people yet get to the ride at least 30 minutes early and take the initiative to reach out to someone.   Getting organized just before a ride can be a busy time.  The best way is to come to a chapter meeting and meet some of the folks.  If you are only able to show up for the ride and don't feel comfortable jumping into a group, then find the director or assistant director (I promise they are nice guys) or one of the road captains (no promises here).  The Road Captain for that particular ride will be giving an overview of the ride so you cant miss him.  The road captains will be lining up the group lead and waving people to get in line behind the lead.  Let them know you are not sure which group to join and they will take care of you.


If you are more of an email person then click the Submit a Question button at the top of this page and send a shout out letting us know that you would like to find out about riding with a group at an upcoming event.




How do I sign up for a ride or social event?     

If you found a ride on the calendar then show up before the designated "kick stands up" time and find the sign in sheet.  Check the details on the events calendar to see how to respond in case the coordinator of the activity needs an RSVP or if you need to buy tickets before the event.  




What do I need to bring?     

You will want to check the weather for the route and duration of the ride.  If any chance of rain, then be sure to have some type of rain gear.  I like to have warm layers for anything below 60 degrees but that's a personal preference.  We like to have a coffee and some water.  Staying hydrated is extremely important.  Sun screen is also a good idea.  We will post packing tips and links here soon....



How to pack the bike for an overnight trip?



Is everyone required to ride a Harley?     





Can I ride as a guest?   





How often does Memphis HOG have events?   

There are usually events of some sort on a weekly basis.  The chapter meets monthly and the activities group spends lots of time planning fun events that give us all a chance to get together, have some laughs, make some friends and get to know each other better.  

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